This is not to scare you…
It might be just a simplistic view … but lets get some history and facts.
The Soviet union invaded Afghanistan for 10 years… They fight the Mujahideen. They gave up. Then the Soviet Union collapse; Now Soviet Union become divided state of Russia, Chechnya, Kazakstan, Turkminstan etc.
Now the United State of America has been in Afghanistan for 8 years, after the infamous 911 2001 blamed on Osama bin Laden, al Qaeda and the Taliban. Had the US won the war?. Already 8 years, 2 more years to go!… Win or loose? Survive or collapse?.
Barak Hussain Obama will have 30,000 more troops to be deployed within six months to strengthen their positions in Afghanistan.
Don’t forget, US still facing credit and financial crisis back home since Nov 2008. There is also growing disapproval on the additional budget and troops to fight in Afghan and Iraq.
US also must take care their ‘blue eye boy’ Israel which continue loosing war with Hizbollah and Hamas in Gaza and southern Lebanon.
US is working closely with the Middle East corrupted leaders especially Mahmod Abbas (PLO) and Hosni Mubarak(Egypt). Unfortunately the PLO had been severely beaten by HAMAS during the internationally monitored Palestine election. If there were a fair election in Egypt, Mr president Mubarak would also lost his seat to the ‘ban’ Muslim Brotherhood…
Now, more and more Europian leaders ( such as British MP George Galloway who lead Viva Palestina convoy http://vivapalestina.org/) are supporting Hamas in Gaza.
Remember the movie 2012 “ Doomsday event scenarios plunging the world into chaos. Ranging from Los Angeles falling into the Pacific Ocean, cataclysmic earthquakes wreaking havoc around the globe”
The movie is just a science fiction directed by Roland Emmerich. Its hard to predict that the world would be in such disaster by 2012.
But the US credit crunch is not over yet. US may heading toward Great Depression worst than 1930.
How long US can support the war on terror. How long can US spoon feed Israel fighting the Hamas and Hizbollah.
How much money can US ‘print’ to support the ailing giant automaker GM, banks and other waiting to collapse banks.
The US 'superpower' is forcing the military mighty power to the world...but the sincere 'Mujahideen' are united with ALLAH's the God, the Almighty the Most powerful...
Lets see, be prepared... who will win and who will collapse in 2012.
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