H1N1 getting out of control? Less new cases or death reported.
My son had a flu on 1st day of Hari Raya Eid Fitri. It was 8pm. We went to several private panel clinics including those with '24hrs' sign; All closed, doctors, nurses and PATIENTS are on holidays? No more worry of H1N1
Going to private hospital without GL or Med Card will make your pocket 'extra leak'.
We went to GH at midnight. Surprisingly it was smooth and pleasant visit; Not crowded, only RM 1@2 charge, my teenage son like the polite beautiful (even in mask) doctor, had blood sample and some medication...1/2 hour we are out of GH to enjoy Char Kuey Tiow and watch FA Cup match at crowded Mamak Stall
Last weekend I met one government very senior doctor; According to him, H1N1 virus is every where!, including those die due to road accident also has H1N1!. In certain state we had 20 cases but only 2 were reported . Why?
1) There is a major change in ‘reporting line’. Previously, the report was done by the state Health Exco (political appointment), but now all H1N1 reporting can only be done by Health Director or Ministry of Health.
2) They don’t want people to be panic.
3) H1N1 is just like normal flu, low mortality rate (H5N1 bird flue is much more dangerous), unless you are in the risk group (pregnant, older than 65, below 5, lung problem etc).
So its is rather difficult to classify either the sickness or death is due to H1N1 or due to other sickness (hart attack, pneumonia, lung problem etc..).
So. Most important. Stay healthy. Hopefully you can fight whatever virus that come to attack…
What is H1N1… below Wikipedia and Govt h1n1 link has detail.. but lets play fun with alphabet;
H1N1: Hisab1= Neraka1 or 1 Penalty point = 1 Hell fire point.
We've enjoy Bonus points from discount card, we forget the penalty points.
Even we beat the speed limit/red light we can get a way; Either the police didn't notice or we got much money to pay the fine.
So..its a way that God give a reminder to us… our ene my are everywhere; the virus and the Satan are the unseen enemy. No way that you can 100% protect yourself.
Despite all the gadget and medical high tech that we have, we fail to defeat this enemy, because we forget that our enemy is also created by God the mighty Allah.
We try our best to be His servant but most important We are hoping the mercy from God.
I saw this writing on a car wind screen 'Ya Allah ampuni dosaku dan kedua ibu bapaku'.(O God forgive my sin and my parent's sin)
Let’s seek His forgiveness, Guidance and Protection
“Influenza A (H1N1) virus is a subtype of influenzavirus A and the most common cause of influenza (flu) in humans. Some strains of H1N1 are endemic in humans and cause a small fraction of all influenza-like illness and a large fraction of all seasonal influenza. H1N1 strains caused roughly half of all human flu infections in 2006.[1] Other strains of H1N1 are endemic in pigs (swine influenza) and in birds (avian influenza).
In June 2009, World Health Organization declared that flu due to a new strain of swine-origin H1N1 was responsible for the 2009 flu pandemic. This strain is often called "swine flu" by the public media…..
Influenza A virus strains are categorized according to two proteins found on the surface of the virus: hemagglutinin (H) and neuraminidase (N). All influenza A viruses contain hemagglutinin and neuraminidase, but the structures of these proteins differ from strain to strain, due to rapid genetic mutation in the viral genome
The Spanish flu, also known as La Gripe EspaƱola, or La Pesadilla, was an unusually severe and deadly strain of avian influenza, a viral infectious disease, that killed some 50 million to 100 million people worldwide over about a year in 1918 and 1919. It is thought to be one of the most deadly pandemics in human history. It was caused by the H1N1 type of influenza virus.
The 1918 flu caused an unusual number of deaths, possibly due to it causing a cytokine storm in the body.[5][6] (The current H5N1 bird flu, also an Influenza A virus, has a similar effect.)[7] The Spanish flu virus infected lung cells, leading to overstimulation of the immune system via release of cytokines into the lung tissue. This leads to extensive leukocyte migration towards the lungs, causing destruction of lung tissue and secretion of liquid into the organ. This makes it difficult for the patient to breathe. In contrast to other pandemics, which mostly kill the old and the very young, the 1918 pandemic killed unusual numbers of young adults, which may have been due to their healthy immune systems mounting a too-strong and damaging response to the infection.[
Jumlah Kematian : 77 28SEP09
51 minutes ago
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